Rental Terms


The Leasing Contract is signed between the lease holder referred to as "The Customer" and "Destiny Car Rental" sh.p.k. referred to as "The Company". "The Customer" is the main driver as it appears on the reservation voucher, and is required to present four mandatory documents at the time of the pick-up:

Valid Passport or ID; 2) Valid Driving License (Eligible driving age is 21 - 75, two years of driving experience required); 3) Valid Credit Card (issued on the name of the main driver and with enough available funds); 4) Reservation Voucher. The company reserves the right to refuse the rental shall the customer fail to present one of the required documents.


2.1. Vehicle Model: The company is unable to guarantee a specific vehicle model, make or fuel type. The vehicle presented on the voucher is for guidance purposes only and may be substituted at the sole discretion of the Company for an alternative, similar or upgraded vehicle at no extra costs.

2.2. Vehicle Condition Pick Up and Drop Off: Any visible damage that is not marked by the Company must be communicated by the Customer before departure. The Company does not accept complaints that were not reported before the time of departure. The Company reserves the right to charge the Customer's Credit Card for eventual damages occurred during the rental period.

2.3. Cross Border: It is strictly forbidden to use/drive the vehicle in countries other than Albania, Croatia, Greece, North Macedonia, Bosnia Hercegovina, Montenegro and Kosovo. A prior written authorization from the Company is required to drive outside the Albanian territory. The Customer must inform the office prior to crossing the border and should be in possession of an international driving permission. A Cross Border Fee of 40 € is applicable for each border crossed and the customer is obliged to purchase the "Green Card" which covers the rented vehicle with basic insurance for the time period it remains outside of the Albanian territory. Crossing the border without written authorization from the company will result in a 120€ penalty. The customer is held responsible for any problems that occur outside of the Albanian territory as well as the necessary documentation and/or procedures needed while abroad.

2.4. Roadside Assistance: The Company provides roadside assistance within 24 hours, in the Albanian territory in case of vehicle breakdown. If the Company verifies that the vehicle failure is due to negligence by the Customer (wrong refueling, driving in unpaved roads), the case will not be considered as breakdown and the Customer is held responsible to pay any incurring fees. Except for breakdown events, any other road service will be charged 1.5 €/km plus 50€ administrative fee plus repair costs plus VAT. In case of severe damage, and when tow truck in needed, the assistance will be calculated at 2 €/km plus 50€ administrative fee plus damage repair costs plus VAT. The customer is liable for the repair cost for maximum of 500€  only by purchasing our Half Insurance, at an extra cost of 10 €/day, upon which the Company also offers the above-mentioned services free of charge. For breakdowns outside the Albanian territory, the Customer is requested to bring the vehicle to the nearest Albanian border.

2.5. Accident and/or Damage: In case of accident, the Customer is obliged to immediately inform the office staff, call the police at 112 and obtain a POLICE REPORT. The customer is not authorized to replace spare parts or repair damages without prior written confirmation from the Company. Failing to comply will result in a fine of 500 € plus the cost of the damage/spare part replaced.


3.1. Definition and Calculations: The only accepted rental period is the date and time specified in the Rental Agreement, and the customer agrees to return the vehicle on the specified location, date and time. The Rental Agreement is divided into a 24-hour period. Upon drop-off, a 1-hour delay tolerance is applicable, after which 1 extra day of rental will be charged calculated against market value.

3.2. Rental period extensions: Shall the Customer wish to extend the rental period, the Company must be notified at least 24 hours before drop off. Only confirmation in writing by the Company is deemed as valid. If changes in pick up and/or drop off time and/or location occur without prior written confirmation from the Company, the Company is eligible to incur a Penalty and extra charges of 200 € plus extra days calculated against market value plus VAT will be applied.

3.3 Delivery and collection terms: Our offices are located outside Tirana International Airport and a shuttle service to and from the airport is available for all Customers during the operating hours. The Customer is obliged to pick up and drop off the vehicle at the Company office, unless otherwise confirmed in writing by the office staff. Airport drop off is offered to customers at an extra charge of 25 €. The office operating hours are 24-hours. Howeverpick ups and drop offs from 11.00 PM – 6.00 AM will incur an extra fee of 20 € and must be confirmed by the office prior.

3.4. No show: The Company reserves the vehicle for a time period of 2 hours after the pick-up time indicated in the reservation, after which the rental is considered as a "No Show". The only times exceptions are applicable is when the Customer informs the office prior for any delays and/or, when the reservation is prepaid and a valid flight number is provided.

3.5. Early return: The Company will not approve nor provide refunds under any circumstances for unused rental days, any insurance purchased or any extras purchased.

3.6. Vehicle Downtime: Any vehicle downtime due to damage or negligence by the Customer will result in the charge of number of days x price/day calculated against market value.


4.1. Rates: The Customer is held responsible to pay the full rental amount as specified in their voucher upon pick up. Rates do not include any extras such as Premium Protection, Cross Border fees, Baby seat, additional driver, or any extensions requested for the rental period.

4.2. Terms of payment: The Customer is obliged to make the total payment of the lease and the deposit from a valid credit card issued on the name of the main driver, and must be aware of all rental expenses. Payments by credit card are acceptable using only Visa and/or MasterCard CREDIT. Please note that the Company does not accept cash payments, American Express, Revolut, or any prepaid, virtual, rechargeable, or debit cards.

4.3. Security deposit: A deposit amount in the form of pre-authorization is required and will be blocked for the duration of the rental. The deposit is the guarantee for the fulfilment of the client's obligations at the beginning of the rental, where a valid CREDIT CARD issued on the name of the MAIN DRIVER is necessary. The Company is responsible to maintain the confidentiality of the card data. The deposit is charged in euros and returned in euros. The Company is exempt from any responsibility for currency exchange or charges or commissions or delays from financial entities for these concepts. The exact deposit value is determined at the time of the rental depending on the vehicle category. The Company reserves the right to release the deposit up to 10 days after the vehicle drop off. The period for seeing the deposit released depends on each bank used by the Customer and can take up to 30 days. *If the Customer does not abide with the Terms and Conditions; the Company reserves the right to charge the Customer a higher amount than the deposit. This could be after the rental agreement termination and the customer will have to pay all related charges to the breach.

Please note, purchasing insurance from any third parties does not make the renter exempt from the security deposit.


5.1. The Customer agrees to a CDW Excess of up to 2000 €. The most the Customer shall pay is the excess damage, which covers any bodywork damages. Damages are calculated by experts, taking into account the damage matrix and evaluating interior damages. The CDW is only valid if the Customer abides with the Terms and Conditions of this contract. The CDW does not cover any damages of: windows, wheels, interior of the vehicle, undercarriage, police fine charges and tolls, towing charges, rental days extension, child seats, GPS and Wi-Fi devices, personal belongings, missing fuel, refueling errors, valeting/cleaning fee. The COW does not cover any damages caused by: driving under the Influence of alcohol or drugs, driving above the speed limit, careless driving, negligence during the rental period.

5.2. Premium Protection: The Company offers a Premium Protection, the information of which is avallable at the rental desk. The cost of Premium Protection is 20€/day for Mini and Economy categories, 25€/day for Crossover and Mini SUV categories, 30€/day for SUV and higher categories. The vehicle is insured for the period mentioned in the rental agreement. Unless otherwise stated in writing by the Company, once this period is passed, the Customer remains liable for any damages to the Company. Please note that Premium Protection does not cover damages to tires, the rims, all glasses, the clutch, flat tires, vehicle underside, interior damages caused by customer's negligence, engine damage, oil/gasoline pump damage due to incorrect and/or low quality fueling.

5.2.1. The company reserves the right to invalidate the Premium Protection if the customer does not abide to the terms and conditions of the rental agreement. If the company detects gross negligence on behalf of the customer; off road driving of the vehicle; driving under the influence of drugs/alcohol/any controlled substances; driving above the speed limit; an unauthorized person driving the vehicle; the insurance will be invalidated.

5.3. Police report: In case of accident, collision and/or damage the Customer is obliged to obtain a POLICE REPORT and provide it to the Company. Falling to obtain the police report will invalidate the insurance purchased, waive the excess amount and the Customer will be held responsible to pay all incurring costs even if they exceed the Excess and/or Deposit amount.

"Destiny Car Rental" sh.p.k. POLICIES

6.1. Fuel: The Company operates with a full-to-full fuel policy. The Customer will receive the vehicle with a full tank and is expected to return it with a full tank. Any missing fuel will be calculated as 10€+ 2€ per liter missing + VAT. It is forbidden to refuel the vehicle with low quality fuel that may result in vehicle breakdown. The Customer must save all refueling bills and provide them to the Company upon drop off in order to prove the refueling was done in one of the big fuel stations (Kastrati, Elda, Alpet, TEA oil group or Start). The customer is held responsible to ensure the refueling with the correct type of fuel. Wrong refueling will result in a 300€ penalty + the cost of 3 rental days calculated against market value to take into account the vehicle repair period in which it may be out of use.

6.2. Traffic Fines: As a result of delays in the fines administrative system, the Company reserves the right to charge the Customer up to 21 days from the drop off date, by providing the details of the fine. The Customer will be charged 10 € administrative fee + the full amount of the fine + VAT. In cases the Customer is aware of the fine and does not inform the office staff, they will be charged 3 times the value of the fine + 20 € administrative fee + VAT.

6.3. Damages - Loss - Theft: In case of damage/loss/theft of the following, the customer will be liable for the charge: up to 300€ for vehicle documents, up to 150€ for vehicle registration plates, up to 200€ for vehicle mats, up to 350€ for trunk cover, up to 250€ for vehicle keys, 200€ for baby/booster seat, 150€ for spare wheel (if applicable) and the cost of rental days until replaced for vehicle Driving Permit.

6.4. Unpaved roads: It is strictly forbidden to drive in unpaved roads and failing to comply will result in a 350€ fine plus the cost of any damages incurred to the vehicle. The office staff is able to check through satellite and GPS systems present in the vehicle. It is also forbidden to drive the vehicle to Theth, Gjipe, PlazhiiPulëbardhave, Suke, Boville.

6.5. Cleaning Fee: The vehicle must be returned in the same condition as pick up to allow checking for any scratches and/or damages. Failing to comply will result in a 10€ cleaning fee. In cases the vehicle requires professional cleaning (mud, sand, wet/stained seats, etc) a 50 to 100€ cleaning fee is applicable.

6.6. Smoking: It is strictly forbidden to smoke inside the vehicle. Failing to comply will result in a 100€ penalty.

6.7. Localization: The Customer expressly and unconditionally authorizes the Company and any other third parties instructed by the company to monitor at distance by satellite alarm system, or similar device, the correct use and working of the rented vehicle.

6.8. Personal Belongings: Destiny Car Rental is not held responsible for the loss of any personal belongings. The customer is required to check the vehicle thoroughly before drop off.

Refusal of Rental Destiny Car Rental sh.p.k. may at its sole discretion refuse the rental to the Customer.

Data Protection Please note that in order to ensure the booking as well as the rental process, the Company collects some personal data. It is mandatory to provide all the information requested; in the absence of such information the Company is unable to ensure the rental. Only authorized personnel and the Company have access to the data they process and are responsible to maintain the confidentiality of sensitive data. The Company is required to provide such information only with the authorization of the Customer or at the request of authorities who have this right by law.

Applicable Law This Rental Agreement shall be governed by the Laws of the Republic of Albania. All disputes that may arise by the fulfillment of this Rental Agreement and that cannot be settled between the parties shall be settled by the Tirana District Court of the Republic of Albania.

End of the contract: The contract expires at the moment the Customer returns the vehicle, keys, vehicle documents to the Company. In case of accident, the contract expires when the Customer provides the Police Report to the Company. In case authorities block the vehicle during the rental period due to an accident, the contract expires when the vehicle is released by the authorities. The periods above mentioned, will be considered rental periods and the customer will be held responsible to pay the rental days calculated against market value.

NOTE: I hereby confirm that I have read the ten (10) terms and conditions of this contract, the General Terms and Conditions of Destiny Car Rental and the Rental Agreement; I find them reasonable and I accept by signing or by email confirmation.